Thursday, August 19, 2010

Big Girl School

I cannot believe that Chloe will be starting Big Girl School (aka Kindergarten) in a week!?!  Where in the world have the last 5 years gone.  When we first went into the school to pick up her Kindergarten packet it almost didn't feel real that in 3 months she would be an actual school age kid.  But over the last month of picking up school supplies and new school clothes it has started to become a reality.  I received her final Kindergarten packet in the mail last week that stated who her teacher was and all that fun stuff and it just hit me that she is no longer a baby but a little girl getting ready to set foot in a new world.  Well the new big girl school will be a new world to her anyways. 

I remember what it was like when I started at new schools with the excited but a bit nervous feeling.  And now I find myself having those feelings all over again for my child as she gets ready to start a new school for the first time. 

I'm looking forward to her first day but also kinda dreading it at the same time because I know I'm going to be a teary eyed mess with the camera and Chloe will probably be wondering what the hell is wrong with her mama :).

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