Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So I finally did it today.  I wrote my first handwritten letter to my guy and popped it in the mail.  Yeah I know I am about 2.5 months late.  I should have been doing it from day one.  But he said he didn't care if I actually wrote a letter as long as emails were coming his way.  And boy have I made sure he has emails.  I shoot him a email every morning.  Its the first thing I do at home on the weekends in the morning and the first thing I do during the week when I get into the office. 

I went and saw Dear John lastnight and I think thats what got me started.  I have been wanting to actually sit down and write him a letter from day one.  But since he said it didn't really matter I thought emails were a bit better.  But seeing all the letter writting that went on in that movie and knowing how I feel when I get a letter that someone actually took the time to sit down and write made me feel bad.  Why did I not start this sooner? 

There is no way to know if he will actually write me back.  I don't want to tell him in an email.  I would prefer it be a surprise. 

But how I hope he does though :)

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  1. I love hand written letters, it makes me feel really loved when my family sends me "real" letters - and I am only an expat american living in Australia.

  2. Good for you for writing him. I hope that you continue.

    Stopped over from SITS.


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